Online Journalism Degree Related Knowledgebase

Understanding the processes of accreditation for online colleges is very important for acquainting yourself with Online Journalism Degree.An online education platform or University must be accredited by an appropriate body for it to genuinely award a valid online degree.

What Is College Accreditation?

An online institution is considered accredited after an appropriate regulating body has checked it and found its programs to be within a lawful standard.

It is with the use of accreditation that online and off line schools are kept on course with stipulated education standards.

A school's overall objective is usually determined by an evaluating body when they examine its mission statement vis a vis its faculty efficiency, support services, programs requirements, students admission etc.

The processes of accreditation differ from country to country. While it is possible that some countries use inspectors form the ministry of education to evaluate and accredit schools, countries like the United States do it differently. Here it is not the government that appoints the agencies or boards that evaluate and accredit schools, associations check on their members according to set rules and accredit them if they are within the standard.

That not withstanding, national and state bodies still oversee the activities of the accrediting bodies to ensure that both the national and states standard of education are maintained. Now this is the reason why you must not jump onto just about any school you find online, many of them may not be meeting the set national standard of education for colleges and universities. Before you finally decide on Online Journalism Degree, make sure that the school meets both the national and states education standards.

About Accreditation And Its Importance

If you are about enrolling for an online degree program make sure that the institution you intend to enroll with is accredited. Employers are not accepting degrees from unaccredited online schools. Do not neglect research of your intended online school, so that you do not waste both your money and your time.

In conclusion, let me mention that you will find the word ACCREDITED on almost all online schools, but not all of them are really accredited. What to do is if you find a school you like, you do some background check on them, and also on the agency that gave them the said accreditation. Though you are interested in Online Journalism Degree, you must be sure that you are dealing with a valid site.

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Schools Accreditation Agencies

If you have a masters degree employers will be more receptive to you, the impression being that you have more knowledge than the candidate who has only a bachelor degree.

Hence you have to further your online education to masters degree level in order to improve your chances of employment in a reputable organization.

Now, realize that you should not get your online degree from an unaccredited online school, because you will find it difficult getting employment with it, employers are aware of the accredited schools and favor their graduates. Your hard earned money and time should not be wasted.

Employers do not hire graduates of unaccredited online schools, so ensure that the school you register with is accredited, especially if it is a virtual school with no brick and mortar college affiliation. Also verify the accrediting agency and ensure that it is lawful.

Below is a list of accreditation agencies that regulate both brick and mortar schools and online institutions:

Regional Online Master Degree Accreditation

Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Higher Education

Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools

New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Institutions of Higher Education

New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Technical and Career Institutions

North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher Learning Commission

North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement, Board of Trustees

Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges

Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
